Kowak Hospital

Kowak Hospital

Friday, June 3, 2016


            Our hospital continues to expand physically and with improved facilities to accommodate the ever increasing patient load.  Our OUT Patient visits increased in 2015 by 45% to 8,575 and our IN
 Patient visits increased by 55% to 7,153. The number of patients treated at the  HIV center (CTC) increased by 10% to 2,401 who visit us monthly or bi-monthly for ARV medications and evaluations. 145 are children under 15yrs of age.
            The exciting news since my last blog update is the addition of a new doctor on March 1. Even more promising is the news that his home village is just a few kilometers from the hospital where his father still lives. This means there is a good chance of keeping him with us for an extended period. Dr Lazaro is 30 yrs old and recently married a local girl who is also well educated. I am told he is a hard worker and a fast learner. He is being trained by our older doctor and is now averaging 15 surgeries per month. Our major surgeries increased by 36% last year to 328 and our minor surgeries increased by 51% to 1,250. Of these major surgeries about 45% were Caesarian sections and 10% Hysterectomies.
             Other exciting news was the assessment by the Ministry of Health of Tanzania last November. They increased our rating from Two Star to THREE STAR which places us as the best hospital in a wide area. This is a five star rating system and equivalent or better than many district hospitals. We are a 170 bed hospital that was elevated from a 40 bed health care facility in 2009, so we have added a lot of equipment, buildings and staff in the last 7 years. We also opened our CTC Center in 2009 for HIV treatment and unfortunately it continues to expand yearly. Our HIV positive patients averaged 14% which is about the same as in 2014. This is about the highest rate in the country.
            We had 94 patients die last year and 73% (69) were children under 5 yrs of age; this is compared to 108 total deaths in 2014 and 72 of children (67%). Early 2016 was a bad time for cholera cases in our area. We had about 50 cases and several of them were in the Kowak Girls Secondary School adjacent to the mission which houses 410 students and 25 teachers. Fortunately there were no deaths, which is very unusual.
            Last year I gave out over 250 mosquito nets to mothers of young children in the surrounding village, thanks to over $1,500 in donations from friends and churches. This year I have decided to give nets to the mothers of newborns at the Kowak hospital which had 615 normal deliveries in 2015 as compared to 565 deliveries in 2014; a 9% increase. This month we are averaging 2 deliveries per day and I have given out 31 nets in the first two weeks of this program which includes a photo and rosary for each mother. One of the

first mothers had triplets so she got 4 nets, since she already had 7 children at home. The next week we had twins as shown above.  
            One surprising statistic is the drop in X rays and Ultra sounds. We had 1,805 X-rays for a 23% drop in that area and 1,264 Ultra sounds for a drop of 37% in that area. Our blood transfusions increased by 35% to 886 in 2015. We also had 133 EKG’s during 2015.
            We were blessed recently with a message that we will be given a $10,000 donation next year to assist in the purchase of a lorry for transporting drugs from our government source in Mwanza. This is badly needed.  Our other main problems are a shortage of anesthetics in both Tanzania and Kenya and a lack of medical Oxygen in Tanzania. We did receive $21,000 this year from Maryknoll Fathers to add tile and ceiling boards in most of the hospital. That work was just completed this week. It looks great.
          Our weekly Outreach program reached 4,480 children under 5 yrs, in 2015. 2,240 of them were immunized. Also 1,850 pregnant mothers were immunized.  A national program for controlling HIV called TOHARA paid for the circumcision of 1,425 men and boys at Kowak in 2015.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


WEEK OF JUNE 15 - 19, 2015 (4th Week)

Gave a talk this week on Diabetes for the staff here – nurses, clinical officers (like PA’s in the USA) and the Medical Officer (MD in the States).  There is so much of it here as I’ve mentioned and our MO, Dr. Ernesti, filled us in on some African physiology, ie., that because of poor nutrition and the poor agriculture in this reason, the pancreas does not develop the necessary amount of cells that produce insulin, and therefore that is the main reason why we see a lot of diabetes here.   Instead of wheat, maize (corn), rice, or oats/barley,  this region is dependent upon cassava, millet, and sorghum, inferior to the other grains for its carbohydrates and therefore that’s why the diet from as early as 6 months old is poor and continues to be poor.   That is the reason why there is so much anemia here too.   This region around Lake Victoria does grow some rice, but it is too expensive for the local people to buy, so they have to rely on inferior grains to feed themselves.  It is interesting that we in the West have so much in the way of good food and many of us choose sugar-filled foods that lead to obesity and then diabetes – obesity is the most common cause of adult onset diabetes in the Western World – with the USA being the No. 1 Obese Capital of the World and the UK the No. 2.

What else last week – again, many women have to have surgery for ob/gyn reasons and the wards are filled here.   Thank God we have Dr. Ernesti here to do the emergency C Sections because before he came, many women had to travel over 2 hours to find a hospital and surgeon over very pothole filled roads.   Well, that’s all for now.   I need to make notes along the way about individual patients because I forget . . .  pole sana – so sorry – old age, I think!

WEEK OF JUNE 22 – 26, 2015 (5th Week)

A funny thing happened in the Maternity Ward this week . . .  a mother gave birth naturally to her 8th child – she was 45 years old and usually we keep the women with multiple births in the hospital for 24 to 48 hours.   We see if their lower abdomen is tender and if so, we wait until it resolves naturally or by medicine.   Well, I told this lady she was going to stay for another day and didn’t think much about it.  The Mother seemed to like the idea of a day off from home choirs.
However, a few hours later, her husband came in demanding his wife “enda nymbani (go home).”   Well, the matron took over for me because of my mediocre language skills . . .  the husband was still irate wanting his wife home to take care of the family chores, but most of all,  cook his dinner!!   We kept the woman in the hospital for the prescribed 48 hours.

Took a drive over the weekend to Musoma with Tom to visit Tembo Beach (tembo meaning elephant) which is overlooking eastern Lake Victoria.   It was a pleasure to sit on the beach, read, do a little computer work, have a drink, watch the weaver birds build their nests in the tree above us and watch the waves coming into the shore.

I’ve hired a private tutor to teach me better Kiswahili so I can converse with the patients and although I had 3 months of language school in Nairobi back in 2008, much has been lost in the ensuing years, hence the tutor and she is helping me a lot, particularly in conversing with medical sentences and phrases.   We also had a visiting priest from the Diocese of Musoma for lunch this past week and he told me of his gastric ulcer problems, longstanding conditions, for a young man.   Anyhow, I was able to figure out what the problem was and guide him with his medications and the reason for taking certain ones and also his diet.   So much health education is not done here – it’s the old fashioned “take two aspirins and call me in the morning” approach here and the patient suffer from lack of understanding.

WEEK OF JUNE 30 TO JULY 5, 2015 (6th Week)

This week we were again very busy in the surgical ward.   A very young girl, only 16 years, had twins via C Section because the babies were in the breech and transverse positions.   The girl was very young, innocent looking and further inquiry found that she was the third wife of a local man 3 times her age . . .  unfortunately, a common occurrence here.   But she is young and pulled through the operation and is doing well with breastfeeding the babies and is looking forward to going home within 7 days.   We keep the post op patients here for at least 7 days because the conditions at home are so unhygienic and the wounds would get infected causing all sorts of post op problems.   This way we can control the environment ourselves in the hospital at least until the Mama recovers.   It also gives the new mothers time to learn how to breastfeed and when to get the babies vaccinated, etc.  

Here in Tanzania, the Government has declared that new mothers may have their first babies in a hospital of their choice and they will only be charged TZ Shillings 5,000 (US$2.50).   This way, the Government is making the effort to ensure that the maternal and baby death rates are reduced to the lowest possible.

We also admit mothers who are pregnant but have malaria, a urinary tract infection, etc., because of the high rate of miscarriages if these conditions are not treated with IV medicines.   Better safe than sorry . . .

For the 4th of July, Tom and I went to celebrate with fellow Maryknoll missioners in Mwanza, the second largest city in Tanzania on shores of Lake Victoria.   They had set up a large table on the Lake (almost in it!!) and sang patriotic songs and a good time was had by all – hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta salads, chips, popcorn – all the good things in life.   After that, the next day, we took a trip to the Serengeti National Park with a fellow lay missioner, Liz Mach, and saw four lions basking in the noonday sun, crocodiles, hippos doing the same, lots of zebras, wildebeests, cape buffalo – so many animals – it was a wonderful outing and we came home exhausted but happy!

WEEK OF JULY 6 to JULY 12, 2015 ( 7Th Week Final)

This will be my last full week here at Kowak Hospital.   I’ve decided to go home as originally planned on July 21 – back to the USA via New York to North Carolina.   I had a fainting spell about two weeks ago and felt it better to get a check up in the USA, since there is no insurance here or in Kenya that would cover the cost of a specialist.   If all checks out ok, I may decide to come back next year, God willing, as I have enjoyed helping at the hospital and have thoroughly enjoyed working with the staff.  Prior to leaving Africa, I am taking a trip to my old stomping grounds, Kitale, Kenya, to see old friends and most of all, the Maryknoll Lay Missioners who are still there:   the Korbs, Russ Brine, and John O’Donoghue.   So I plan to leave here on July 15, travel to Kitale and come back to Nairobi for my flight back on July 21.

This week at Kowak Hospital saw Dr. Ernest gone for two days at a regional meeting of hospital medical officers.   When he came back on Wednesday, he did about 20 Ultrasounds in one day and then the next day, he did four surgeries right in a row in one day!   He finished about 7pm and the next day while I was doing post op rounds, his patients were doing well.   In all the time I have been here, there was only one post op complication:   a young HIV positive patient with a fairly low blood count had her lower abdominal wound open up on the fifth day post op.   And this is operating undersome pretty primitive conditions here.   Hats off to Dr. Ernest!

We found out that there have been over 400 circumcisions performed here at Kowak during the month of June.   There is a big push to circumcise the men, young men, and even small boys surgically, rather than wait until the usual time when the boys are about 11 or 12 years old.   This is because the predominant tribe here is Luo and their custom is not to circumcise their men at all.  Consequently, it has been proved that the HIV rate is much higher in the population that does not circumcise their men.  We are lucky to have a community advocate working as a liaison between the hospital, Government officials and the community leaders to educate community members on the urgent need to circumcise all their males.   We will see the results of this effort with the drop in the HIV rate in this area, but most certainly in the generation to come.

I leave Kowak reluctantly and will miss the many colleagues and friends I have made here.   In particular, I would like to thank Tom Scott for helping me “adjust” and get me started in the hospital as well as Fr. Conard to allowing me to come here.   Asante sana, Tom and Jim!   Nashakuru! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015


May 27, 2015, Wednesday
Hello Everyone!   Greetings from Tanzania!  I am Kathy Dunford and I used to be a Maryknoll Lay Missioner and a Physician Assistant in the USA and was sent to Kitale, Kenya, in 2008 to work in healthcare there.   After finishing a rewarding five year mission there and thinking I wanted to retire, I relocated from New Jersey to the coast of Southeastern North Carolina.   But alas, God had other plans for me and now I’m back in mission part time working with Tom Scott and Father Jim Conard out of Kowak Hospital in Kowak, TZ.   I am a volunteer and am helping mostly with in and out patients for about 3 weeks now.  I’m hoping to spend six months here and then go back to the States and perhaps if this works out, come back each year until I really retire.   Prior to Maryknoll Lay Missioners, I worked as a PA in New York and New Jersey for over 20 years.   I graduated from Cornell University Medical College in New York City back in the 70’s when the PA field was brand new and so was I!
Routine of hospital work here starts with morning report given by the night nurse -  admissions overnight, details of admissions – history and physical, lab results, etc.   Totals of in patients by ward – maternity, post op surgical ward, male and female wards, and pediatric ward.
We start our day with a prayer for guidance from God, a short reading of the Gospel and then a “sermon” by a member of staff.   This is a part of the day that is so gratifying in that we all know we will do our best by the patients, but the ultimate healer is God through his son Jesus Christ.  Then we gather for morning report.   After that, the doctors make morning rounds on all the in patients, assessing their progress, ordering test and medications as necessary or discharging those patients who are medically stable. 
One in patient was a 9 month old child who we think has sickle cell anemia since he had a transfusion 36 hours ago, but now the lab value shows virtually no change in his blood count.   Sickle cell is fairly prevalent here in Africa and it can easily be misdiagnosed and consequently mismanaged and the child’s underlying condition is never diagnosed and returns to the hospital 3 or 6 months later much sicker.   Fortunately, we have a good reliable lab here to help us diagnose the patients.   This child did have severe malaria which can cause the blood count to drop a lot, but once treated, the blood count should go up, but this child’s did not.
Then it’s onto Out Patient Department after seeing all the in patients.   One elderly gentleman had been to the capital of TZ, Dar es Salaam for a long time in the last year, and was diagnosed with long standing hypertension and diabetes (Type 2), but he now wants to see a doctor because he has headaches and vision problems, all symptoms of recurring, untreated hypertension.   It turns out that his DM is ok, but he ran out of his medication yesterday, doesn’t know the name of the drug(s) he was taking and had been on hypertensive meds, but not currently and doesn’t know the name(s) of the drugs he was on.   This is an all too common scenario here in Africa.   But we were able to treat him for his chronic conditions and put him on the right path for recovery.   His son asked why we are giving him medicine for his hypertension and we had to do some health education about strokes, etc.  Follow-up will be in five days.
Another case was a 2.5 year old child who had a history of blood transfusions over the past year or so, and now he was very pale, and listless.   Further questioning elicited a social history of 9 children born to his mother, with 3 of them dying under 2 years old.   So, a sickle cell test was ordered as well as blood tranfusions.   Again Sickle Cell is quite common here, but can easily be overlooked in the face of several anemias secondary to malaria which was the case with this child.
Towards the end the day, one of our assistant doctors, Dr. Paul,  performed  a few circumcisions and I was very impressed by his surgical skills.   He recently was trained to do circumcisions sponsored by a US/Tanzanian Government program, along with one of our RNs nurse who was his assistant in the procedure.  The custom here is to have the puberty aged boys undergo circumcision with their respective tribe, but now with the HIV rate in TZ at over 17% (the US rate is less than 1%, to give you an idea of how prevalent HIV is here) and it is proven that circumcision is an excellent way to control the spread of HIV.  In the area where Kowak is, there is specific tribe that does not do circumcisions, but now the push is on in the last few years to do them and reason why is part of the education of the people, despite circumcision going against the normal tribal customs.   The Government here and at our hospital are doing everything they can to prevent HIV, but as you can image, it’s an upward fight.   It’s always the way:   the poor suffer the most and as Pope Francis would say, we must be merciful to those afflicted, not judgmental or cause further stigma to those affected.   We do what we can, one patient at a time, relying on God to guide us.  That’s it for today.   God bless you all and God bless the American taxpayer for all their help given freely to the Africa people.

May 28, 2015 – Thursday
Helped the Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Paul, with rounds today in the maternity and post surgical wards.   Here in Tanzania a majority of the surgical wards are filled with women who need gynecological surgery.   Unfortunately, women neglect their health for most of their reproductive years, hence the need for surgical intervention at relatively early ages – 40’s and certainly from 50 years and onward.   Our Medical Officer, Dr. Ernesti, has many, many years of experience at surgery and we are fortunate to have him with us because the ladies here need a good surgeon and also the mothers who run in trouble with different obstetric problems.   Where it would be routine in the USA to do a C Section on a woman with just one risk factor, such as cephalic pelvic disproportion, here the woman go into labour and wait at home until their lives and the lives of the child are threatened.   Then they realize that there is a doctor here who can help them and saves lives!   Dr. Ernesti is a fully trained surgeon with many years of experience.   He also has a wonderful personality and has many African stories to tell us and the patients;   so he is a delight to work with and the staff and patients love him.  And when I watched him during an operation, he and the OR staff say a prayer before the operation for God to guide their hands to help the patient.   Very moving and is unheard of in the USA!
Early this morning a young boy came in with his father after a road accident and the young child was comatose from an internal head injury.    To find out the extent of the injury with a head CT is impossible here (there are no scans around here except specialty hospital about 4 hours away), so we rely on clinical findings to help the child.   We are hoping he will wake up soon as his family watches vigil over him.   With an internal head injury like this boy assumingly has, it is a watch and wait game we play and we pray for his recovery.   Kids are usually resilient, so we are hoping for the best.

May 29, 2015 – Friday
TGIF Friday here in Tanzania.   Spent the morning helping in the HIV Clinic and we saw about 40 or more patients today.   Several of them were newly diagnosed.   No children today fortunately.   Sister Reetha who runs the clinic is a Clinical Officer like I was in Kenya and does a wonderful job of taking care of her patients.   She is very meticulous about the clinical side of disease, social side, and the recordkeeping, which in this day and age of strict donor accountability is invaluable to keep the medicines, paperwork, staff, computers up to date and in stock.   A donor will not nowadays give out money until they get statistics and reports on how their money is being used and accounted for, so Sr. Reetha is doing her job “kabisa” (greatly!).
I may have the afternoon free, but will go to the Out Patient Department to see if there are any patients there to be seen.  God bless you all for donating and helping Kowak Hospital.   “Tunashakuru.”   We are grateful.

June 1, 2015 – Monday

The week started out with a 4 year old boy admitted last night for a supposed fractured leg 2 weeks ago.   It was treated by a local “medicine man,” but the splinting of the leg with wooden sticks was done so tightly that the boy developed a wound, a very high temperature, was breathing rapidly and was very ill looking.   I thought he had bacteremia with all the symptoms which had progressed from his original injury in the leg, went to his lungs, causing pneumonia and now he had a stiff neck so the presumptive additional diagnosis was bacterial meningitis.   And to add insult to injury, the x-ray showed he never fractured his leg!  This poor kid was a victim of poor treatment by the local “medicine man,”   but I hope he does not have to pay the price with his life.   This points out that Kowak Hospital seems to be the “option for the last resort” with some of the local people and they come to us with what could have been something relatively simple thing to treat and these are the consequences.   We will do everything we can to save his life – as I’ve said, kids spring back fast with the right treatment, and let’s pray for a successful outcome.

I spent several hours seeing patients in the OPD.   In this region as elsewhere in sub-Sahara Africa, malaria is at the top of the “top ten” diseases treated; so we treated many of them today – it hits all ages and takes various forms of symptomatology, but when a patient comes in complaining of a headache and fever, you need to do a malaria test right away.   Point in fact, a mother and father brought in their 18 month old who was very, very hot and convulsing.   He had severe malaria and it affects children (and occasionally adults) with seizures from the high temperature.   This child was also very anemic and needed a blood transfusion right away.   Malaria “eats” away at one’s blood count when it is severe, hence the anemia.   In this child’s case, it was life threatening, as his body was starved for blood, but the malaria parasites were feeding on his blood for their survival.  But this child will do well once treatment is instituted, as again, children spring back fast.

I have new found respect for some staff I’ve seen here and how they quickly treated a mother in labour.   The child’s position was breech (head up, not down in the pelvis), and the mother had been in labour at home for a long time.   The surgeon here, Dr. Ernesti, quickly examined the patient, an IV was put into her arm, and she was rolled into the OR, all within less than 10 minutes!   This was her tenth child!   Is it too late to instruct her on the family planning?   That was joke . . .

June 2, 2015 - Tuesday

This is Tuesday so it must be CTC (HIV) day.   Many patients were seen today, but I had to interrupt and go into the “city” Musoma to see some people at the Diocese with Tom Scott.   We are hoping they will give me a residence permit, and possibly a medical license to practice here since it looks like I’m going to stay until early November when Tom leaves.   Immigration here would frown on anyone coming into the country and practicing medicine without their knowing about it.   The feedback from the Diocese was very positive and we have to fill out forms and get documentation together for another meeting next week.

June 3, 2015 – Wednesday

Did rounds with Dr. Ernesti today in two areas:   post op surgery and maternity wards.   Many women are taking advantage of our services and the beds are full and over flowing into the next ward.   A lady with a foot wound was admitted and her sugars were very, very high – and the diagnosis was – you got it – severe diabetes.   Insulin was started and I will keep seeing her daily until she gets better.   We have seen quite a few diabetic patients lately and I don’t know why it seems higher in this area than in other areas.  Mostly women, hmmmm, why?   Something I need to investigate.  

June 4, 2015 – Thursday

The diabetic patient is doing better, but wants to go home now (!).   Her sugars are better but still not normal but she needs wound care and overall education about her disease before she can go home.   Saw quite a few patients in OPD, one of which was a 20 year old young, pregnant woman brought in by her husband.   Many women here during pregnancy have complications and rarely go to the prenatal clinics until they are in their 3rd trimester or even worse, until they are ready to deliver.   The Tanzanian Government pays for first time mothers to have their babies in the hospital without charge to avoid the high rate of infant mortality, and we at Kowak are happy to   be part of the Government’s program.    When you say “FREE” (“BURE”) here, no one is shy about taking advantage . . .

June 6, 2015 – Friday

Another morning in CTC (HIV) Clinic learning more about the computer program and registering patients correctly.   The computer program used is a complicated one, but necessary for the data the Government needs to  report the statistics to the USA partners.   One partner is Baylor University in Houston, Texas.   In this area, they are the overall supervisor of the program and come here every few months to make sure we are doing things correctly.   The doctor who comes in an American affiliated with Baylor.   I haven’t met her yet, but am looking forward to doing so.   Sister Reetha, as I mentioned before, runs the program at Kowak and she has taught many support staff to help with the computer program, drug distribution, clinical assessment of patients, etc.   We have a new Clinical Officer (CO) here, Dr. Peter, and he is being taught the program. A CO is like a nurse practitioner or PA in the US.

June 6, 2015 – Saturday

Had some extra energy today and decided to see what was going on around the hospital.   Did some rounding with Dr. Ernesti and saw about 10 patients in OPD.   Dr. Ernesti also operated on a middle age woman who had a “torsion” of one of her ovaries and also the other ovary was cystic.   He removed both ovaries and sewed her up again and I looked in on her in the post op ward, and aside from some pain, she is doing well.   One of the wonderful things here in Africa is the way the family members gather around the patient and are so solicitous, loving and caring.   They bring food, drink – all sorts of things from home to help the patient and their great love and concern.  Of course the hospital has no facilities for providing food for patients and it was be too expensive anyway.

Dr. Ernesti told me about another patient he admitted in the afternoon who had a bad case of – you guessed it – diabetes.   I haven’t seen the details, but here again, it’s a woman and severe diabetes.   Again, have to investigate why this area has so many female diabetic patients.   Genetic factors predisposing them to DB?

Week of June 8 to June 14, 2015

My days are getting busier as I really get into things here at the hospital, so I’ve decided to switch to a weekly blog.
What’s going on here?   A one year old boy was admitted with severe malnutrition.   He was brought in by his mother and father and he is their fifth child.  Malnutrition for children under two years takes its form not in starvation, but in protein deficiency.   We call it PEM – Protein Energy Malnutrition which comes in two forms:   Kwashikor or Marasmus.   This child had Kwashikor.   In Kenya there were wards full of kids with both types and it is a typical condition found in all parts of Africa and the underdeveloped nations.   The standards here are to breast feed the baby for the first six months exclusively, then from 6 to 12 months, continue breast feeding and add porridge and other soft foods, like bananas, etc.  Most mothers will breast feed up to two years.    According the parents, the mother had mastitis in one breast around six months and when the other remaining breast failed to give enough milk for the child, they brought the child to a traditional healer, and then the child really went downhill.   At 12 months old, he only weighed a little over 3 lbs.
So, we are supplementing the child’s breast feeding with energy enriched porridge and hoping for the best.   He is clinically a bit better, but it takes a long time or the child to gain the weight lost.   It’s something that can’t be done too quickly or the cardiovascular system can’t take the additional metabolic strain, so we go slowly (pole, pole).   In the meantime, the child seems a bit better and more content to sleep instead of crying all the time  - more like whimpering like an injured puppy. (Update: this child died June 14 evening because the nurses were not able to get an IV in him and they never told anyone for 3 days).

On the brighter side, a young 31 year old married woman was admitted early in the morning this week with abdominal paid.   Someone made the presumptive diagnosis of UTI and anemia.   A more thorough history revealed she was pregnant about 12 weeks and had had this pain for almost a week.   She was groaning with pain when seen and obviously very sick.   She was not bleeding but was very, very pale.   I was suspicious of an ectopic pregnancy and/or appendicitis in pregnancy, and quickly got our surgeon, Dr. Ernesti, to see her.   On examination, her belly felt like fluid, more like blood, the doctor said.  We rushed her to the OR and she did have an ectopic pregnancy, but a very unusual kind called a Cornual Ectopic whereby the fetus implants itself on the top or within the wall of the uterus at the top and somehow grows from there.   The uterus eventually ruptures, causing a medical emergency to save the mother life.   And Dr. Ernesti certainly did!   Rushing her to the OR, she went into convulsions, but she was able to maintain her blood pressure – barely – through the operation and survived and is now doing well in the post op ward.   After the operation, Dr. Ernesti asked to see the father and brought him in a kidney basin, the ruptured uterus and cut into the organ and brought out the fetus of 12 weeks for the father to see his child.  The fetus’ heart was still beating a little.   He then did a wonderful thing:   he got some water and in front of the father, nurses, and me, baptized the baby “in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”  I was so moved by this ceremony and the doctor’s need to send this child back to His Maker, that I, along with the others, was in tears.   Then he wrapped up the baby in a paper, and gave the baby to the father for burial.   Well, what can I say?   There are no words for what I and others saw that day.   Not only did he save the mother’s life – she has three other children, but baptized the unborn child with its heart still beating.

A phenomenon we see here in this region, especially with children is severe anemia.   I never saw this extensive type of anemia while I was working in Kenya.   It turns out that one reason why is the main staple of the diet is cassava, a root plant that is grown here almost exclusively.   The soil here is very poor for growing maize or wheat (like in Kenya) and the rice that can be grown is very expensive for most people, so they resort to a combination of cassava, millet, and sorghum to make “ugali” and porridge.   It is surely the poor man’s “ugali” but is all that they have here and consequently it causes anemia and malnutrition in the folks around here, especially kids.   Most people around here are totally unaware of their own anemia and walk around with about 30% , or more,  less hemoglobin rich blood than the average African.  So their systems become used to it, but any illness can trigger a crisis in their blood count and they need to be transfused one or two units of blood during their hospital stay. Of course a transfusion is not so simple here since 17% of the popular is HIV positive.

Well, that’s all for now.   Stay healthy and “nashakuru” (I thank you) for your financial help and prayers for the people living around Kowak.   Next week we are having two sets of visitors:   a group of 3 senior Maryknoll priests are passing through and will spend the night on their way to Nairobi and another group of 3 Americans from the Univ of Illinois are visiting the Diocese of Musoma want to come out and see what we do here on Wednesday. Most of these priests have worked here 60 years like Fr Conard, our pastor. Liz Mach will be escorting the 3 American visitors. Liz is a Maryknoll Lay missioner and has been here 40 yrs, since she finished nursing school in MN.

Tom Scott and I took a trip into the Diocesan offices this week to process my “Residence Permit” and apply for a medical license – keep your prayers coming that there are no snags with these. We learned recently that a medical license will not be needed if I get a letter from the District Medical Officer (DMO) authorizing me to practice for just a few months. What a blessing. He will be visiting us in a few days. God bless you all!  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


     In a few days I’ll be heading back to my mission in the village of Kowak in northern Tanzania. You can find it on Google Earth if you have that on your computer. This is what you are looking for, obviously without the text. Just search for Kowak, Tanzania, or click the link at the bottom of this page labeled "location". Then click the box marked "Earth". Zoom in and out to see where it is relative to Kenya.

        This Catholic mission was initially established by the White Fathers of Africa in the 1930’s and was taken over by the American Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in 1946. The Maryknoll Sisters came a few years later and established a medical dispensary and convent. The Maryknoll Lay Missioners started coming in the 1980’s, I believe, to work at the health care center. There have been a number of Maryknoll pastors at this location, but the current pastor, Fr James Conard from Green Bay, has been there the longest by far. He moved to Kowak in 1978 after 22 years in other missions in the area. He celebrated 58 years of priesthood last June and is still in amazingly good health and energy.
     The great success of this mission is due to Fr Conard’s amazing energy and desire to maintain and expand this large complex which includes the church, hospital, grinding mill, and girl’s secondary school. He basically built the school from scratch in 1992. He has employed the Sisters of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (SABS) to administer the hospital the last 15 years and administer the secondary school the last 2 years. These lovely sisters are from India and have done wonderful things in continually suggesting improvements for Fr Conard to implement.
       This mission and pastor are under Bishop Michael and the Diocese of Musoma which has other missionary priests, but are predominantly Tanzanian priests. So when the time comes for Fr Conard to retire the bishop will be responsible to designating a new pastor to manage this large complex. If the Maryknoll Fathers have a priest available the bishop would probably select him but they are all aging and most would not have the energy or mechanical passion or skills to run this operation. I try to return each year as a volunteer now after 3 ½ years as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner at this wonderful mission. I worked these first years as a bursar (financial manager) at the girl’s secondary school which boards 480 Tanzanian students of all faiths. Now I assist the sisters at both the hospital and the school and Fr Conard in his many construction and repair projects.
     The nearest hospitals to the mission are a Mennonite hospital an hour away on dirt road and government hospital about 45 minutes away on mostly paved road. Most of our patients were under the age of 5 years until the health care center was expanded to a hospital in 2009.  We were able to deliver babies if it was a normal delivery with a midwife.  The predominant disease has been malaria which requires very fast treatment in young children or they will die due to low blood sugar. Rabies and cholera also require fast response but are not as common. TB is a common problem for HIV patients.
      Since the mid 1980’s HIV has been a growing problem and now about 25% of the tribal people in this area are HIV positive. A generous donor from America gave $50,000 to the health care center in 2008 which allowed the purchase of a CD4 analyzer. This analyzer allowed Fr Conard to build a CTC treatment center for dispensing ARV drugs to control this deadly disease. We now have 2,000 patients who come monthly for testing and new drugs donated by USAID, I believe. This has saved many hundreds of lives and reduced the number of orphans significantly.
       The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers donate significant money each year for the construction of new buildings like the new operating theater, doctor’s offices,  men’s ward, women’s ward, staff housing and most recently a new power generator from America. A larger NGO from the Netherlands donated money and manpower to construct a 50 bed childrens ward which was completed recently. Another European NGO has been supporting an “outreach program” for mothers and children in remote areas. A parish in Rochester NY has contributed large collections for drugs and medical needs quarterly for the last 12 years or more. This has been a huge help.
    We now hope to add a second doctor to this hospital staff and I have recently been given an indication that my ecumenical contemplative prayer group in Kansas City (Guardian Angel Parish) will try to help finance most of this salary for the first year. This will be a huge help and has motivated me to keep this new blog updated with regular news of activities at the Kowak Hospital. Our first doctor arrived about 4 years ago but was young and had a young family so did not stay long in this remote area. Now we have a very talented older doctor and he is doing amazing things in the operating room and in visiting with each patient. We are anxious to give him some help with the addition of a similar doctor.